The Fisher family from Bath SOM

Robert John Cunningham Jaunay, the only surviving son of Frank and Mary Jaunay married Dorothy Evelyn May Beasley on 10 Jun 1915. Dorothy was one of four daughters of James and Clara Jane [nee Fisher] Beasley of Gawler, SA.
clara beasley
The Fisher family arrived at Port Adelaide on 21 Jul 1854 on the Ostrich.

Charles Fisher and his son, Thomas were two of the ten signatories to establish the Adelaide Co-operative. Charles Fisher lived in Wakefield Street, Kent Town. It would seem that the whole Fisher family were the driving force to get this organisation off the ground. Thomas, a boy of ten at the time of signing was used to gain the required number of male signatures!

Charles Fisher, the son of Isaac Organ and Lydia [nee Ford] was born at Bath on 14 February 1827 and baptised at Walcot in 1828. Isaac Fisher was a carpenter who worked out of his home at 13 Hat and Feather Yard. His son Charles continued the trade but established himself in London and by 1851, lived at 2/10 Hasker Street, Chelsea. Charles married Mary Ann Smith, the daughter of George and Harriet [nee Tremayne]. Mary Ann's father had died of a ruptured blood vessel in the brain while walking down a Bath street when Mary Ann was three years old.

This link will take you to information abiut the Smith family.

The Fisher family can be traced back though many generations in the Parish registers at Walcot and adjacent Batheaston [both now suburbs of Bath] where the name Fisher is particularly common.

Charles Fisher's daughter, Clara Jane married James Beasley, the son of Lewis and Anne [nee Sharpe] on Christmas Day 1888. James Beasley had been born on the Victorian Goldfields at Lucky Woman's Diggings near Linton.

Pictured: Clara Jane Beasley nee Fisher (1857-1936) at Gawler ca1910

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